Saturday, January 9, 2016

When the Eagles won't dare…

When every Neta has had his fill,
When media has dissected every operation and kill,
When bureaucracy has won the battle,
When uniforms have been sacrificed like cattle,
When smart phone generations just wouldn’t care,
Trust me Oh India, your Eagles wont dare !!

Floods, Earthquakes, Fires, Blazing guns,
They are always there, your brothers and sons,
Veterans beaten, Youngsters Dead,
And you think they do this to earn their bread !
And still no change in attitude,
Nation silent and government rude,
Those who died in Pathankot could've been saved,
If those high headed decision makers had behaved,
Its wrong to blame Fidayeens for this loss,
Someone should actually question organization and Boss.
And Somewhere some kid is watching this show,
who wants to don the uniform when he grows,
But slowly he'll understand whats in store,
He should be ready to keep giving more and more!
And then die for someone else's mistake,
Always have his life hanging on some stake.
No one has extra life to spare,
And that’s why, Eagles wont dare !

An operation bungled and lives lost,
'They' never realize what it costs !
To satisfy egos and act bossy,
Seven dead, Happy ?
Who needs Army, I'll send NSG,
Someone should ask, why exactly?
Shouldn’t Base commander be the boss,
Why is no one getting cross?
If anything, this operation proved one thing,
From Bureaucrats to Fidayeens, Enter at Will,
So basically, we knew the plan well in time,
But no one was told, no bullets primed,
Simple three steps and we would've won,
Those Fidayeens trapped and in minute, gone !
Inform Army, Fortify and wait,
But who likes operations so straight,
Lets not even repair the boundary walls,
Lets not monitor any calls,
Lets not fix the broken security lights,
Lets not add to Terrorists' plight,
Let them feel at home and enter at will,
Let them think we are on Chill pill,
Let them work their way inside,
Lets not kill them too soon and hurt their pride,
Lets not use Army's experienced teams,
Lets plan a whole new scheme.
Lets believe that SP's weird story,
Lets now keep investigating every theory.
But the answer is simple and right there,
There WAS a need to create the scare,
That attack is imminent and coming soon,
Get prepared to kill those goons,
Government should own up and apologize,
For their mistake, seven families paid the price.
Your experiment failed Mr NSA,
Youre already the Hero in India, why sway?
Its one thing our Generals don’t protest,
They only care about how their interests are served best,
Didn’t see anyone raising hell on this issue,
No one jumped and said " I'm the boss here, not You"
But its another thing that soldiers are dead,
And that’s the reason we should bow our heads.
we didn’t win this one, and should accept it,
Create a better inter-agency fit.

And lets not forget The Media, our friend,
Who never fails to keep the trend,
Insensitive, Uncaring and dying for TRP,
Again went on Twitter spree,
Lets not care what happens to people fighting,
Let me focus on my Tweet writing,
Give all the information of ops in progress,
Let my piece be the first to reach the press,
Oh wait, how can I make this anti Modi too,
Because sanctity of country,,what, who?
You people are so lost, clueless and selfish,
that I cant even find a word to rhyme !!
Running to interview martyr's widow,
You are pathetic, stop putting up a show !
And then there is one of you who crossed the line,
not that any of you was even a bit fine,
But to question a martyr and his last rites,
Show your text book knowledge on how he fights,
This just shows how low can you fall,
Cognitively distorted, negative and small,
You arm chair generals should be given a bomb,
"Diffuse that while you search, destroy and comb"
This man should be banned from lot of things,
Just for the amount of negativity he brings,
In afterlife he might meet Lt Col Niranjan,
Oh wait, that place is for those heroes with guns!
He, I think should be sent the other side,
Coz at 71, they are short of a bride !!

Msgs on FB tell me that country mourns the martyrs,
So why the respect to soldiers limited only here,
Why cant we spare a seat in train,
for a soldier who's family waits in vain.
Why millions can be spent on campaigns,
but nothing for those who bear the pains.
Why bureaucracy cannot look beyond peripherals,
And realize that what they hate is only with Generals.
Normal soldiers and youngsters are managing to survive,
House, cars, helpers are dream..they are lucky if they get time with wives !
Generals anyways will speak and earn a lot once they retire,
Give a hundred ways how to put down any fire.
Ask them what happened to them few years back,
The system still had same flaws and slack,
But now its Eureka moment for all,
Suddenly they can save the Army from fall.
its funny how these marriages work,
Media and Generals, how they connive and smirk !
The real Tigers, never get invites,
Because their honesty will give everyone a fright,
So lets get all those who are politically correct,
Who always knew how to put up an act.
Well, to be honest on TV, not everyone's tea's cup,
Hope someday real Slim Shady WILL stand up !!

For a country where leaders go only where they score,
Dadri is favorite, Not Soldier's funeral next door.
Where you ask a chief minister of martyrs yesterday,
And he shamelessly says, "focus on pollution today"
You cant name five ministers who can stand up for Army's cause,
And name the corrupt ones, and you wont take a pause.
Generals, Media, Bureaucracy, Politicians gone,
Basically Youngsters and soldiers are mere pawns,
Go fight our wars and follow all orders,
Die, defending our borders.
We will leave Kashmir unresolved,
And by sending Army we will be absolved,
We will mismanage Punjab and mess up North East,
We will also send you to manage Communal riots beast !
If you're free there is Sri Lanka to deal,
Its not like we are sending there to rest and heal.
Basically we will keep making bad policies and send you ahead,
Because we need a scapegoat and you need your salary and bread,
So lets make you do all the dirty work and fight your countrymen,
Its always easier to blame the man with gun!

It’s a strange Army in strange situation,
Losing more men in its own nation.
So much hate for Army in so many places,
And soldiers bear it all with straight faces.
And this time again, same thing prevailed,
Someone's mistake and experiment that failed.
No one suffered except those families of Heroes,
No one will care about their suffering and woes.
Our limit of patriotism is one FB post,
In which, our love for Army, we all boast.
The country will move on and this will happen again,
Its endless, till the time everyone feels the pain.
It’s the day when someone will stand up and say No More,
We cannot let these young guys die in scores,
Something needs to change and change fast,
We really need to learn from our violent past,
Aim for peace and not depend on their sacrifice,
For this nation has already paid enough price.

When Gods will come to gates of Heaven,
When angles will clap and welcome those Seven,
When they will look down and smile and nod,
"Look, India Lives and thrives" they'll show God,
As long as their stories will motivate and inspire
As Long as everyone in India will have that fire,
As long as soldiers will get that love, respect and care,
Till that time, Eagles will dare !

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Mere Baad Kisko Sataaoge.....

And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods….

Well, apparently fighting for OROP can be added to the list now !

I have kind of made peace with the fact that as a nation, we will keep achieving new lows from time to time. Scams, riots, terrorism, poverty, women safety, sanitation etc are so mundane that we have adapted to them and the result is for all to see. But the search to belittle each other, and ourselves as a nation is an unending quest by our state machinery, politicians, police and media. And let's say yesterday they crossed the line ! Never in the history, have I heard, that in any country, Veterans were beaten and insulted, dragged and shoved, treated like petty criminals, by country's own police. And that too when they were protesting rather very peacefully for their rights and their genetic discipline ensured that no one is being bothered.

Let's take a moment to understand OROP. Or for that matter let's not. I don’t care if the Veterans were protesting because they lost their toothbrushes  in train. You just do not treat them like this. These men, ensured we are free, we are safe and we have a country to feel free and safe in ! And now when they are little weak in knees, and expect some support from the government for having  given their youth and lives to the country, they get pushed around by local police. Imagine the pain for them, imagine the hurt, imagine the insult ! The mere fact that you manhandle a soldier who was once the wall between you and enemy, speaks volumes about how our country thinks. Every national day or post some event that required Forces' help and intervention, people start flooding social media with praises and accolades to show their solidarity and love for Armed forces. But it's on days like this, that it feels that it was better to face bullets on borders than lathis in country. What an absolute shameless and spineless act !! This one single incident, this crossing of line is what shows where we stand in this country and how clueless we have been so long. I really don’t know who to blame for this desecration. The government who showed us that we are not even a worthy vote bank which needs to be pampered, or our own Generals, right from serving ones  who don’t care what is happening,  or retired, who for petty gains and appointments from government kept sucking up to politicians so much that they sold off all the pride and respect we had. You will find lots of them talking like Alexander and Machiavelli on defence and strategy on Television shows. But on this, not even a single guy stood up and took charge and led the counter offensive to show the government its error of judgment. This incident should be an eye opener for all, especially those protesting there. You guys are alone so please man your defences yourself. Do not expect help from any quarter as none is coming! What can an old father say to a son who slaps the father because he asked help from his son in his old age? Nothing ! Exactly !! 

I know I'll see myself on steps of IMA the day I die,
That single memory can still make me cry.
Years of hard work and unending motivation,
Not an easy task to be appointed to serve this nation.
With dreams in eyes and passion in heart,
We all decided to honestly play our part.
Never to fear anything and stand by commitment,
We were ready to die for India, any moment.
30 years I served and retired last year,
In two little boxes, I had everything that was dear
Those mementoes and medals and stars and cane,
I had a million stories to tell as I took that homebound train.
Now I belonged to that elite clan,
A veteran and an Ex serviceman.

Recently I joined my brethren to fight for our pension,
Lets talk to government they said and resolve the tension.
How can they ignore their heroes who demand their rights,
For it is us who have fought all their fights.
Peace and war, we always were there for nation,
This building of India stands on our foundation.

Been few years and the talks are on,
Governments have changed and we still wait for that new dawn.
Where soldiers get the respect and status they deserve,
Where a nation values what it needs to preserve.
We kept losing ground over the years,
casualties ignored and no attention to widows' tears.

"Where are you going ?" Asked my granddaughter,
I smiled and said "it’s an army matter.
The government owes us some money for our work,
It's about our rights, and not about privileges and perks.
We have been this country's back bone,
At this stage they just cant disown.
We gave our youth and energy and lives,
Always stayed away from families and children and wives.
What have we not done to prove our worth,
And still we have to fight for a train berth.
This country owes us a lot,
Even the basics, we actually never got.
So we are fighting for One Rank One pension,
And its not some fancy overnight invention.
It’s not a favor but a right,
High time government noticed our plight.
So I'll just go with other uncles and talk to government,
You be nice and put flags in apartment.
Tomorrow is Independence day and we will celebrate it together,
Be proud, you are a veteran's granddaughter."
She jumped in my lap and gave me a kiss,
"Best of luck" she said and her words were such a bliss.
I longed to just come back and tell her stories of this proud nation,
Tell her all the struggle against British that my dad did for India's creation.
She is part of a family that has fought all along,
British or Pakistanis, this family always stood strong.
Like me and her Dad, she will join the Army one day,
Be part of this legacy, and that’s all I pray.
She holds my medals with so much awe and admiration,
Just wants to serve and fight for this nation.
Wear the uniform and join the proud soldiers,
"Indian Army is the best" yes, those words are hers !!

Jantar Mantar is the place we chose to meeting,
It felt like family, with same old mannerisms and Military greetings.
Some known and some strange faces,
The best thing about Army, all know their places.
We gave some speeches and discussed what next,
Made some documents and finalised the text.
We sat there with fellow soldiers chatting about our fate,
And its then when we saw some commotion on the gate.
"We have been told to evict" said someone loudly,
"We never give an inch" shouted someone proudly.
Everyone laughed at the joke and we resumed,
Its normal police drill, everyone presumed.
But we are the soldiers and Veterans to top it,
This is a peaceful rally, and no reason to stop it.
What happened next, was a nightmare ,
It was unimaginable and yet, it was there.

We, the soldiers, the fighters, the Veterans,
We the nation's pride and this country's sons,
We the ones who have stood against every enemy,
We got labeled as security threat, was unbelievable to me !!

The Police told us to leave and vacate the place,
We denied, as it is our right to protest in peaceful ways.
The police was in no mood to listen and we didn’t say much,
There was no need to get nasty as such.
We had faith in our system and knew we were right,
We came to talk, so no one was even prepared to put up a fight.
All we had were papers in our hands and medals on chest,
And all we wanted was to put this pension issue to rest.
Who can be more proud of Independence day than a soldier,
And nothing has dampened that spirit even if we got older.
But one day changed it all forever,
Makes us question our every endeavor.
Insulted, shoved, pushed and hurt,
I saw one crying with a torn shirt !

It was so unreal that no one knew what to say or do,
Like the ship is going down and we are the helpless crew.
We stood in trance and let police do what it wanted,
We asked for our rights and now could see what has been granted.
To be called a security threat and being pushed like a petty criminal,
Never was this done, you can check history's annals!

I saw the police guy who pushed my friend down,
And I also saw the guy who came later and they call him 'prince with crown',
While one was politician with fake smile the other had a visible frown,
Nonetheless, both were same clowns !
Neither had idea why they were there,
And honestly, neither of them cared.
We know you all and know your intentions,
For ages you also had the opportunity to mend these infractions.
When there is any problem, governments call us in haste,
next government, cut, copy, paste !
When have we risen above levels of those being just used,
And now to see this is how we get treated, I was utterly confused.
We The Mighty Indian Army can make enemies piss in pants,
And back home, our nation treats our rights as rants.
They send police to treat us like hooligans,
Not even thinking once that what has kept this country intact is our guns.

To tell you truth, I gave up today,
I'm so shocked that I have nothing to say.
The country thinks it has shooed some old veterans away,
Trust me, the joke is one you and you'll realize it one day.
All the injustices, bad policies, no support had always been part of the game,
Yet we kept fighting for our country, honor and name.
But you pushed us to a wall where we can see the light,
our future, not so bright.
You, the politicians start war that we go and fight for you,
We don’t even know who and why we fight and its true !
We save your skin every time you are in trouble,
we perform and deliver and save your bubble!
Yet, you let us down, again and again,
You don’t see our misery, you don’t see our pain.
How shameless and spineless that Police force is that can use force against old veterans,
How pathetic is their display of strength against those old and docile guns !
Your so called Police studs feel Macho hitting few old men,
Let them try this with serving Army and we will see then !
We have set huge armies of enemy straight,
Please tell Delhi government and Police, don’t box outside your weight.
Yes, we know that even our elders don’t stand by us,
Who wants to get into a mess that doesn’t concern the so called 'best'.
Look at them acting all General on a TV show,
Its only their personal agenda that now they can grow.

Well, sadly for us and luckily for this country,
We are the soldiers they get for free.
We are not minorities or millionaires,
So no votes and no money, hence no one cares.
We do our jobs when we are told,
Courageous and dedicated, honest and bold.
It is not about a little lathi charge on bunch of old guys,
It is crossing the line with which every positive notion also dies.
We never asked for what is right and wrong,
You drop us in Sri Lanka or dump us in Tawang.
We keep doing our job endlessly and honestly,
And first time we asked for something and you got so miserly.
You are so used to our submissiveness that even are 'rights' are wrong to you,
And hence we realized, all that praises you give us are not true.
I don’t need your words and awards and glorification in parades,
What I really need is some real support and not just charades.

On my way back I bought a new shirt,
I could not imagine to see my granddaughter hurt.
Her Superman Colonel Grand Dad cannot come home defeated,
She will not accept this and would feel cheated.
I rather not tell her that the mirror has broken and bubble is burst,
I rather not explain to her the pain, the insult, the hurt.
But what happened has helped me make up my mind,
This country will forget but I am not blind.
A country that cannot respect its soldiers should not have any,
And thinking logically, the reasons to not join have always been many.
My family have done enough and served for decades,
Its time we called spade a spade !
Let Gandhis and Kejriwals send their children to fight,
Let them also contribute if they care so much about our plight.
I am done with sending my kids to wars,
If you love India so much, send yours !
You showed me how I was running after a mirage,
An illusion of national pride and just an ego massage.
But thanks for clearing it now and opening my eyes,
I am all ready to say my Byes!
I refuse to be used and abused,
I refuse to beg for my rights and get my self-respect bruised.

I'm just one lonely veteran so you wont miss me,
I cannot be used to bring you victories and glory.
I did whatever I could when I was young and strong,
And you will take care of me when I'm old I thought, but I was wrong!
Never mind, I have been trained to survive against all odds,
And a soldier is not scared even of Gods !
There is just one thing I would still want to convey,
"Mere baad kisko sataaoge?"
Nusrat might have sung it for a lover,
But trust me, these lines will haunt you forever.
I'm just another  veteran that you don’t need,
On my words, you don’t even need to pay any heed.
But the spirit and soul of Army that you killed today,
It will never come back, that I can confidently say.

My father told me about the day he was beaten by British Police,
I always envied him because now we are free and live in peace.
So Thanks for giving me the feel of his times,
Making a fight for rights a punishable crime.
Now if you can feel, read the changes in the wind,
And as I always sign off,  Jai Hind !

- MJ, Lima 94 !

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Your Noodles, Your Soldiers !!

I looked up and saw the bright light,
A hand taking me to Heaven in a serene flight !
For a moment God stopped and asked me straight,
"You want to go back, its still not too late?"
Me, the soldier, couldn't ask for more.
To go back and avenge my death and settle the score!
But still I said "Lets forget it bro,
take me to heaven; I've had enough of this show.
Cant you see I'm lying their burnt and charred,
For the nation which made me stand guard.
But today twenty of us went down and nobody blinked an eye,
Okay, don't care about us you Thankless Morons, at least say a respectful Goodbye !
Everyone is writing, talking, shouting about noodle ban,
Go ahead God, just do a quick scan !
From media so responsible to politicians so caring,
From 'Young and restless' to the writers so daring,
From Page 3 celebrities to Aunty next door,
From bloggers to designers to Bollywood stars,
From autorickshaw wallahs to those boys with big cars.
Across the nation, no one missed us,
No one mourned, no one paid homage, no one created a fuss !!
Why would I want to go back and die for them once more,
They are as oblivious to my death as they were before.
Across the world, soldiers are loved and respected,
the whole nation adores them and feels indebted.
This is not that country so why live in fool's paradise,
We die everyday, and hardly make headlines.
No Sir, I dont wanna go back,
I've lived my life on an impossible track.
Let these people build Maggie's memorial,
My family will give me a respectful and silent burial.
The country that cannot respect its soldiers is headed for doom,
We are a single roof of comfort under which the nation blooms.
From kids in wells to earthquakes anywhere,
From floods to riots to terrorists who dare,
The roads being cleared to pilgrimages being organized,
We were always there whenever this country cried.
Our families are far and loved ones away,
No matter the crisis at home, on duty we stay!
We don't hold our children the day they are born,
Everywhere we are sent, we face the scorn!
Governments cant keep locals happy and send us to fight,
Fighting own countrymen, neither easy nor right!
Yet, we are the face that scowls, fights and takes the slap,
And for decades we are doing it, yet no appreciation nor a single clap.
Our welfare, pensions, benefits keep lingering in files,
All we get are promises and smiles.
Our Retired Generals talking strategy and welfare sitting on TV shows,
Its like when they were serving, they kept these thoughts in an escrow !
We have Vote bank politicians and CYA generals,
Who come and look pretty only on parades and funerals.
Where are the Tigers who we wish to be commanded by,
to expect Revenge is a far cry !!
The numbers in which we die are appalling,
Troops are alright, its the bosses that need overhauling !
 Do we make policies, No and never !
So why are we dying everyday and forever?
The biggest mystery of my life was who are we fighting and for what?
Why are we the only ones suffering and distraught?
Politicians, Generals, Bureaucrats..everyone sleeps peacefully,
and we are the only ones on ground, truly !
No one takes our pictures and tells our story,
Me the simple soldier just fights for guts and glory !
Lets not even get started on salary I am paid,
Risking my life everyday for such basic grade !!
I'm not the whining kid who keeps complaining,
But some top guys really need to do some explaining.
Why have you put us in such a state,
how did we reach such miserable fate?
We fight for the country that doesn't miss us when we die,
Its a secure and well protected nation living in its own high?
I want to ask lot of people why such a sad state,
What ruined our status and why so little in our plate?
Politicians, Bureaucrats, Media, and Army top Brass,
Together you guys are responsible for putting me under grass!
Easier to accuse each other and not take the blame,
Takes balls to stand up and play the game !
Hundreds of my brethren die when Naxals attack,
Tell me one entity which recognizes this security crack.
They keep shoving files on each others' tables,
Because India will never fall short of horses in stables.
We are over populated and poor to the core,
We will always have millions to fill the human resource store.
Does that mean that you will keep creating cannon fodder,
Short shortsightedness of hire, fire and forget..nothing broader?
Invincible as we are on Power points and discussions,
Almost twenty states are in trouble internally or suffer incursions.
Just look at Assets and ignore the liabilities? 
Surprised at your Calculation disabilities !
Why will not enemy come inside and kill me,
Why will he not take "Revolutionary' plea?
You have messed up the country with your weak stands,
Your vote politics has shredded this nation in strands !
We are like a hunting ground for neighbors who do what they want,
Behead our soldiers, enter inside, send terrorists or just merely taunt !!
All we do is condemn the issue and make serious faces on TV,
You really think that will stop their killing spree !!
Your soldiers are dying everyday and you don't raise a finger,
You let it pass and let the bad mood linger,
Wait for forums to 'Talk' about it,
Thats the only action you seem fit !!
Collectively, you have killed my image and respect,
For centuries, soldiering has been a sacred sect !
But now, Our own defect us for greener pastures and petty gains,
Politicians ignore us till the time we are in voting plains.
Media doesn't talk about us as our deaths are daily affair,
We keep falling everyday here and there.
How can something so mundane generate TRP and interest,
Lets talk about Maggie, thats where they invest !
Honestly I dont know what went wrong where,
All I know is my body is burning on road and I am hanging here,
Unable to decide to go to heaven and embrace a soldier's death,
Or go back and again fight till my last breath.
I dont know how I lost the battle to some fast food,
I'm the son, brother, father of country and it always felt proud and good.
So many of you have let me down,
I have the satisfaction of my fight and sacrifice, yet a frown !
The frown of dying for people who just don't care,
I'm not angry, just that I wish I had a life to spare.
I'll meet my enemies and tell them the facts,
You and I, both live in neglect.
Why are you wasting your bullets on me,
I'm anyways living a life of misery!
No one will pay attention or mourn when I'm gone,
You won't get the attention by killing a meaningless pawn.
Don't waste your lead on me, add it in Maggie instead,
That's how you'll be heard and supported across this country's spread !"
God didn't reply,
And actually I must be the only one to see him cry !

Dedicated to Brave soldiers of 6 Dogras who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of the nation ! RIP Brave-hearts !!